Dividend Information

Items Fiscal Year
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 1Q
Consolidated Net Income
(Won in Millions) Note1)
1,872,207 1,307,266 2,587,936 3,141,680 2,506,296 824,001
EPS(Won) 2,699 1,810 3,572 4,315 3,400 1,056
Total Cash Dividends(Won in Millions) 505,587 260,016 654,384 822,706 747,302 133,657
Dividend Payout(%) 27.0 19.9 25.3 26.2 29.8 16.2
DPS(Won) 700 360 900 1,130 1,000 180
  1st Quarter - - - - - 180
2nd Quarter Note2) - - 150 150 180 TBD
3rd Quarter - - - - 180 TBD
Year-end 700 360 750 980 640 TBD
Cash Dividend Yield(%) Note3) 5.8 3.6 6.8 8.8 6.7 1.2

Note1) Net income attributable to owners

Note2) 2021 2Q, 2022 2Q : Interim dividend, 2023 2Q : 1stQuarterly dividend

Note3) As disclosed on the FSS Dart system
              Based on the dividend per share as a percentage of the arithmetic average of the final market prices of WFG shares during the one week before the date that is two business days prior to the record date.