Financial Inclusion Policy

Financial Inclusion Policy


Based on Woori Financial Group’s ESG Vision "Good Finance for the Next”, we actively practice the value of financial inclusion for the underserved groups and aim to fulfill our role as a financial institution committed to social responsibility.

We, expand the range of financial services to improve the convenience of the underserved groups by collecting and analyzing market trends and compiling customer feedback in order to provide customer-centered financial products and services We, contribute to improve underserved client’s accessibility on financial goods and services by tailoring delivery methods to provide products and services which reflects the needs, preferences of the underserved groups. We, offer non-financial support such as financial education, and promote the financial well-being of the underserved groups through expanding inclusive financial support. We, provide systems and procedures such as debt restructuring, to prevent over indebtedness of the underserved groups. We, implement an easily accessible customer service channel and complaint handling procedure in order to actively address the inconveniences of the underserved groups. We, conduct periodic staff training in order to protect our customers’rights and interests and to prevent aggressive sales techniques and unrespectful treatment to fulfill financial consumer protection. We, engage in mutual cooperation with outside external parties, including regulators and standard setters to expand the development of financial inclusion markets. We, report and manage strategies and support measures to the Board of Directors and other relevant committees which oversees financial inclusion.

The foregoing Principles were adopted pursuant to review and approved by the ESG Management Committee of Woori Financial Holdings’ Board of Directors, and may be amended as and when required by the committee.

April 26, 2024

Woori Financial Group